Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Love And Its Misuse And Misinterpretation - 1002 Words

â€Å"The most misinterpreted and misused word is the word, love. It is apparent that the theory and practices of some individuals and groups in our society today who use words, phrases and slogans of love do not convey its real meaning and are used out of context† (Love and its Misuse and Misinterpretation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2015). We love food, dogs, learning; but what is love according to relationships and what does love look like. Even though the undefinable emotion is commonly used throughout American culture as a simple expression it has more meaning. Everyone wants love, but no one is sure on what that looks like. A researcher named John Alan Lee developed six different love styles that people tend to fall into. In this paper I will discuss the six different love styles in relation to my â€Å"Love Style† Inventory, and â€Å"Are You a Good Listener† survey. When trying to understand love, one must know how to communicate. When communicating, l istening is probably the most important element for any relationships rather intimate or professional. Many people, including myself, strongly feel as though they are great listeners and do not need any improvement in this particular skill. However, according to â€Å"Are You a Good Listener† survey, my listening skills were not up to par. Scoring a 97 out of 125, showed me that I’m a good listener but not quite perfect. An exceptional listener is someone who is gifted, selfless, and overall enjoys conversing with others. MyShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Natural Selection843 Words   |  4 Pagescleric. Therefore in his writings he uses morally loaded language to reflect Christian Bible’s morals. The black-and-white of nature in the â€Å"ejecting†¦foster brothers†¦ants making slaves†¦Ã¢â‚¬  detracts from the overall theme of love taught in the Bible which encourages not only the love of brothers but also charity and kindness. 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